Monday, August 9, 2010

V/A - Greek Oriental Rebetica

Umm....This album is absolutely beautiful...Been listening to it nonstop for the past week....Microtonal Greek Blues from the years 1927 to 1932...

Can't find a preview for this but trust me on good.

Download Link: Greek Oriental Rebetica

Roscoe Holcomb - An Untamed Sense of Control

Some chilling Old Timey music from Roscoe Holcomb.....I know I suck at reviews...Whatever alls I know is that I like this and that you might like it as well...just check the preview Wiki Page


Download Link: Roscoe Holcomb - An Untamed Sense Of Control

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sean Nicholas Savage - Moving Up in Society (2010)

There are very few Canadian singer songwriters I actually enjoy. Sean is one of them, in fact he is probably my favourite. I get really bummed out about the whole music scene these days. Everyone's trying so hard to be a freak/weird. Freak folk songwriters singing like Marc Bolan/Karen Dalton and "Weird punk" bands drenching everything in excessive reverb and using 80's drum machines (because it's the cool thing to do?). Everyone seems more concerned with making sure people think that they are weird/hip rather than actually expressing themselves through music...I dunno I'm a bummer, I should be happy that people are making music in general eh?...Anyways this Cassette which I believe is sold out right now is a fine example of songwriting and gives me hope. Yes his voice has a bit of the freak folk/Bolan quality to it but not to the point where one might think it is "put on" in any way. These are beautiful straight forward folk songs with wonderful lyrics and lovely female backups. Hope you enjoy.

Preview: Sean Nicholas Savage Myspace

Download Link: Sean Nicholas Savage - Moving Up in Society

Sun City Girls - Horse Cock Phepner (1979)

The past couple of days I've been going a little bit crazy...Serves me right for staying in my basement room all day and listening to Sun City Girls...I've only heard a handful of albums by sun city girls (they had something like 55 full length releases) but out of that handful this one and the album "Torch of the Mystics" Really do it for me. Out of this world/their minds music. P.S this one even includes a Fugs cover!
Wiki page

Preview: Sun city Girls - Nancy Reagen

Download Link: Sun City Girls - Horse Cock Phepner

Monday, July 19, 2010

La Bolduc - Heritage Quebecois

Ahh some absolutely beautiful French Canadian folk tunes. My dad is from Sherbrooke Quebec and when I was younger we would go down once or twice a year to visit Family. The strong Quebecois accent in her voice makes me feel something I don't think I feel in any other kind of music. Wiki Page on La Bolduc


Download Link: La Bolduc - Heritage Quebecois

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Urinals - Negative Capability (1997)

Another album for your listening pleasurueuruerue. This one from the band "Urinals". It contains 31 songs from 1978-1980 including all their singles and compilation appearances, as well as some live songs and covers.

Preview: Urinals - Dead Flowers

Download Link:
Urinals - Negative Capability

Flipper - Generic (1982)

First Album from the Raw weirdo punk band Flipper. Another one of my (and Kurdt's...) fav's. Wiki Page

Preview: Flipper - Ever

Download Link: Flipper - Generic

Thursday, July 15, 2010

White Noise - An Electric Storm (1969)

Tripped out experimental pop music way ahead of its time. Made by some of the pioneers of electronic music. Wiki Page

Preview: White Noise - My Game of Loving

Download Link:
White Noise - An Electric Storm

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Chris Thompson - Self Titled (1973)

This here is a beautiful perhaps overlooked folk album from New Zealand song writer Chris Thompson. "where is my wild rose?" is perhaps one of the most beautiful songs I've heard in quite a while. While the whole album may take some time to grow on you, there are alot of fantastic songs on here. Reminds me a bit of Jansch, Renbourn, Jackson.C.Frank.

Preview: Chris Thompson - Where is my Wild Rose?

Download Link: Chris Thompson - Self Titled

Mayo Thompson - Corky's Debt to His Father (1970)

This album I remember being so excited when I first heard this album. So sincere, raw and creative...Exactly the kind of music I am constantly searching for!
Weirdo, warbly, poetic blues from the front man of Red Crayola...Love the bass tone as well...aie carumba another one of my favs. Also one of my fondest memories of being on tour (yes I am a musician) was driving in a crazy storm through northern Ontario and playing this album...very fitting

Mayo Thompson Wiki Page

Preview: Mayo Thompson - Horses

Download Link:
Mayo Thompson - Corkys Debt to His Father

Black Cat#13 - Three 7" Records

My room mate Marks old band from 1998? Awesome experimental punk. There are more records than I am including in the zip, however I do not have these saved onto computer. Also I did not rip these from Vinyl myself I simply found them on a different blog.....I'm bad I know. P.S I will post some music from Marks new band Induced Labour soon!


Download Link: Black Cat#13 - Three 7" Records

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Michael Hurley - Armchair Boogie (1971)

One of my fav songwriters. Slightly eccentric folker. Wiki Page

Preview 1: Michael Hurley - Open up

Preview: Michael Hurley - Jockos Lament

Download Link: Michael Hurley - Armchair Boogie

Harry Partch - The World of Harry Partch (1969)

Total geniusssss. Wiki page

preview: Harry Partch - Daphne of the Dunes

Download Link: The World of Harry Partch

I'm So Hollow - Emotion/Sound/Motion (1981)

For my first post, a band/album I have been listening to quite alot these days. Description copied/pasted from their unoffical myspace page...

I'm So Hollow was a goth-tinged post-punk band, based in Sheffield, England, that had roots in a punk band called V4. After the morph into I'm So Hollow in 1979, the band took cues from the likes of Wire and Siouxsie and the Banshees. Prior to making their first recording, guitarist Rod Leigh, bassist Gary Marsden, drummer Joe Sawicki, and vocalist/keyboardist Jane Wilson were profiled in the NME as part of an article devoted to the Sheffield scene. Though they never released much of anything on their own, their material did show up on a batch of compilations. "I Don't Know" appeared alongside songs by Vice Versa, the Stunt Kites, and Clock DVA on 1980: The First Fifteen Minutes, an EP released by Neutron in February of 1980. Another recording, "Touch," was issued on Bouquet of Steel, a compilation of Sheffield bands released by Aardvark in June of 1980. Hicks From the Sticks (which also featured the likes of Medium Medium, Wah! Heat, and Modern Eon) was another package that featured the band. Prior to breaking up, the band released the Dreams To Fill The Vacuum single and the Emotion/Sound/Motion LP. They also recorded for a John Peel Session in 1980. The tracks played were "Which Way?", "Fashion", "Monotony", "Dreams To Fill The Vacuum".

Preview: I'm So Hollow - Entrance

Download Link: Emotion/Sound/Motion